Pomysłodawca turnieju „Hokejowy weekend na Kaszubach” i opiekun drużyny Kaszubów kanadyjskich, David Shulist, przesłał stowarzyszeniu Kaszëbskô Jednota podziękowania za pomoc w organizacji wydarzenia.
Otrzymaliśmy również pamiątkowe zdjęcia oraz relację z pobytu, w której David Shulist dzieli się wrażeniami po pobycie na Kaszubach.
Otrzymaliśmy również pamiątkowe zdjęcia oraz relację z pobytu, w której David Shulist dzieli się wrażeniami po pobycie na Kaszubach.
Oryginalny tekst wiadomości:
Greetings, and Hello from the Kashubian Griffin Hockey Team
President Meyer, Vice President Etmanski and members of Kaszebsko Jednota
We would like to personally thank you for participating in the Opening Ceremonies and in all the promotion that your organization provided to make this event special and successful. It was great to see all the fans from your organization in the stands and becoming super fans of TEAM KASHUBIA, the Kashubian National Hockey Team.
Attached are two documents on our experience in Kaszebe, the home and native land of our Kashubian Ancestors who came to Canada in 1858 to build a Kashub community which now is part of the Kashub Nation in Europe. One is in the English language and the other is in Polish language. We wish it could be in Kashubian, but most Kashubs write in Polish or in English.
This needs to change – We hope to write the next one in the Kashubian language .
Also attached are some pictures from the event that go with our experiences.
The Hockey Team will never forget our experiences in the homeland and we appreciate your great support. It touched our soul and we will never be the same and i am sure that the Kashubs in Kaszebe will never be the same.
The bridge of friendship between Canada’s Kashubia and Kashubia is built strong and will stay like this forever.
Thank you for helping in building this bridge of friendship.
Wiedno Kaszebe i na wiedno Kaszebi
Best wishes from
The Kashubian Griffins Hockey Team